A chicken garden, also known as a chicken-friendly garden, is a type of garden designed to accommodate and benefit both chickens and plants. It’s a harmonious integration of gardening with chicken-keeping, where the needs and behaviors of chickens are taken into consideration in the garden design.
Here, the art of gardening intertwines seamlessly with the joy of raising chickens. Let us now explore the enchanting world of the chicken garden and discover the boundless possibilities it holds for both humans and feathered friends alike.
Purposes of a chicken garden?
A chicken garden is a testament to the power of sustainable food production. By cultivating a diverse array of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and grains, gardeners can provide a nourishing bounty for both themselves and their feathered friends. From fresh salads and hearty soups to flavorful omelets and savory stews, the garden’s abundance knows no bounds, offering a wealth of culinary delights to satisfy the soul.
In the chicken garden, soil is more than just dirt, it’s a living, breathing ecosystem teeming with microbial life, organic matter, and essential nutrients. Through careful management practices such as composting, mulching, and crop rotation, gardeners can replenish and regenerate the soil, ensuring its long-term health and vitality for future generations. And with the help of our feathered companions, whose constant scratching and pecking aerate the soil and add valuable nutrients through their manure, the garden becomes a thriving oasis of fertility and abundance.
The chicken garden also offers a sanctuary of simplicity and connection to the natural world. Through hands-on experience and observation, gardeners of all ages can deepen their understanding of plant life cycles, animal behavior, and ecological processes, fostering a deeper appreciation for the intricate web of life that surrounds us. And as we tend to our garden and care for our chickens with love and respect, we cultivate a profound sense of stewardship and responsibility for the land and all its inhabitants.

Protection of the Chicken garden
One of the greatest threats to a chicken garden is the presence of predators lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce on unsuspecting hens and raid the garden beds. To protect your feathered friends from harm, it’s essential to fortify the perimeter of the garden with sturdy fencing and secure enclosures. Choose materials such as hardware cloth or welded wire mesh with small openings to prevent entry by predators such as foxes, raccoons, and coyotes. Additionally, consider installing motion-activated lights or alarms to deter nocturnal predators and keep a vigilant eye on the skies for aerial threats like hawks and owls.
In addition to physical barriers, gardeners can enlist the help of natural guardians to protect their chicken garden from pests and predators. Companion planting with aromatic herbs such as rosemary, lavender, and thyme can help repel insects and deter small mammals, while strategic placement of predator decoys such as scarecrows or predator silhouettes can create the illusion of a hostile environment, keeping unwanted visitors at bay. Consider also introducing beneficial predators such as ladybugs, lacewings, and predatory nematodes to control pest populations and maintain ecological balance in the garden.
While chickens are valuable allies in the fight against garden pests, they can also pose a threat to tender seedlings and mature crops if left unchecked. To protect your garden from overzealous foraging, consider implementing rotational grazing or temporary fencing to restrict chickens’ access to sensitive areas during the growing season. Alternatively, provide ample opportunities for chickens to forage in designated areas outside of the garden, such as pasture or woodland, where they can satisfy their natural instincts without causing damage to garden plants.
Understanding the Needs of chickens
Before considering plant selection, it’s essential to understand the needs and behaviors of chickens. Chickens are natural foragers, with a keen appetite for insects, seeds, and tender vegetation. They also require shelter from the elements, protection from predators, and opportunities for dust bathing and roosting. By keeping these needs in mind, gardeners can choose plants that not only provide food and shelter for chickens but also enhance the overall health and vitality of the garden ecosystem.
Choosing Chicken-friendly plants
When selecting plants for a chicken garden, it’s important to choose varieties that are safe and beneficial for chickens to consume. Leafy greens such as kale, Swiss chard, and lettuce are excellent choices, providing a rich source of vitamins and minerals for both humans and chickens. Herbs like oregano, thyme, and parsley not only add flavor to culinary dishes but also have medicinal properties that can benefit chickens’ health.
Additionally, consider planting fruits and vegetables that produce abundant yields and can withstand the occasional peck or scratch from curious chickens. Hardy crops like squash, and cucumbers are resilient to chicken foraging and provide a plentiful harvest throughout the growing season.
While many plants are safe and beneficial for chickens, it’s crucial to avoid planting varieties that are toxic or harmful to them. Common garden plants such as rhubarb, nightshade family members like tomatoes and potatoes (green parts), and certain ornamental flowers like azaleas and daffodils can pose a risk to chickens if ingested. Be sure to research the toxicity of plants before introducing them to the chicken garden and err on the side of caution when in doubt.
Overall, a chicken garden is a symbiotic system where plants and chickens work together to create a productive environment. Through thoughtful design, careful planning, and a deep reverence for the natural world, we create spaces where plants and poultry coexist in perfect harmony, nourishing body, mind, and spirit with each passing season. So let us embrace the magic of the chicken garden, and together, let us cultivate a world where abundance and connection flourish, one seed, and one cluck at a time.
Watch Geoff Lawton taking a chicken tractor through an area of a food forest:
Want to know more, see our blog on backyard permaculture chickens! https://vinepermaculture.com/backyard-chickens/
Raising Permaculture Chickens: A Beginner’s Handbook by Guest Sonono
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Want to know about raising permaculture chickens? The author of this blog Guest Sonono has a great eBook to help you raise permaculture chickens.