54. Nomadic Permaculture Design with Eléonore Todini

April 5, 2024
The Permaculture Vine
The Permaculture Vine
54. Nomadic Permaculture Design with Eléonore Todini
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The Permaculture Vine
The Permaculture Vine
54. Nomadic Permaculture Design with Eléonore Todini

Cormac Harkin chats with Eléonore Todini.

Eléonore began her journey in “real life” as an energy efficiency engineer, but she transitioned from this role five years ago to fully immerse herself in her permaculture dream. This shift wasn’t just a career change; it became a pathway to serenity, joy, creativity, and true well-being for her. Over the past five years, she has traversed the globe, honing her design skills and practical knowledge through various projects. Each destination she visited provided an opportunity to glean insights from local communities and forge connections with talented individuals who share her passion. Presently, Eléonore shares her expertise by offering design services and consultations to landowners, communities, and resorts seeking to establish food forests and self-sustaining systems encompassing food, water, and energy. Additionally, she spreads the permaculture ethos by conducting workshops and classes in corporate settings, educational institutions, and online platforms. Her journey has led her through countries such as France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the United States, Mexico, Thailand, Indonesia, Mauritius, Ghana, Brazil, and Ecuador (including the Galapagos Islands). And with the support of people like you, her adventure continues!

my online course: https://eleonoretodini.krtra.com/t/rzhvEQ5JMxCp

insta : eles.permastyle

website: https://architectsoflife.earth

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